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The Spiritual Malady: A Hole in the Soul Sobriety Guides

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The Spiritual Malady: A Hole in the Soul Sobriety Guides

spiritual malady

Relinquishing control to a higher power is a fundamental step in overcoming addiction. In the 12-Step Program, this surrender is crucial for acknowledging our inability to overcome addiction on our own. By surrendering our ego and self-will, we open ourselves to the guidance and support needed to navigate the recovery journey. This total surrender of one’s ego is essential for finding relief from the burdens of addiction.

The spiritual malady and addiction

Receive weekly mailings to support your meditation journey and your daily practice. Acts of service not only benefit others but also contribute to our own spiritual spiritual malady growth. Helping others helps build a stronger spiritual foundation, counteracting selfishness and promoting a sense of connectedness and community.

Final Thoughts on Living the Spiritual Life and Recovery

spiritual malady

You have a place inside of you that is imperishable, wise, and flowing with power. Please trust this and know that if you tap into your inner Spiritual Warrior, you will be able to handle anything that comes your way. You can pray in whatever way you like, as long as you like, to whomever you like.

Cultivating Connections in Recovery: Fellowship and a Higher Power

Soul loss, or being disconnected from your Soul, is a pandemic we can see in society everywhere. We can observe it in the way we mercilessly use and destroy the earth, harm each other, and hurt ourselves. We can see it in our materialistic greed, our narcissism as a species, and our addictions that never seem to go away. Complicated grief is what happens when a person, after experiencing a major loss, struggles to move through the natural cycle of grief and instead becomes trapped in their pain and devastation. Complicated grief is grief that never seems to go away, that continues for many years, and that cripples a person’s ability to function normally in the world. This is an article for all those who have experienced regular grief and loss, and are struggling to move forward.

  • Following this program will cause them to feel less alone or closed off from the messages of life, thus relieving them from the burden of isolation.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous bases the 12-step program on 12 affirmations, or what they call 12 traditions.
  • So, what is the cure for physical, mental, emotional, shadow, social and spiritual illness, and disease?
  • You are merely instructed to be open to the idea that you are not the end all be all, that there exists out in the universe something that is greater or more powerful than yourself.
  • The 12 Steps address spiritual malady by integrating a higher power, promoting spiritual awakening, and involving steps like moral inventory and admitting wrongs, which are crucial for spiritual healing.

thoughts on “The Spiritual Malady”

It is a sense of “otherness” that keeps us from feeling at peace with ourselves and the world around us. We become so fixated on it that almost everything we do leads us to think about getting intoxicated. The mind and alcoholism are so cunning, baffling, and powerful that we often cannot fathom how we ended up intoxicated when relying on our strong willpower to stay sober.

When we enter the silence with discipline and perseverance, we make space for  the living presence of God to heal us from the inside out. Finally, someone explained to me that those things are not the insanity that the Big Book talks about; nor are those things why the alcoholic’s life becomes unmanageable. Addicts and alcoholics may rid themselves of their drug or alcohol dependency by completing the Twelve Step process. This will allow them to undergo the required shift in thought that will free them from their addiction. However, that does not mean addicts are confronting this spiritual ailment by themselves.

spiritual malady

In fact, the world’s threat load is extremely high and it, too, is being reflected in systemic dysfunction. We are in a time where we need to proactively decrease threat and increase safety in the world. When we are threatened, we also have two defensive phenotypes.

We use everything and everyone, even when we stop using alcohol and drugs to cope with thesefeelings of being unsatisfied and uncomfortable in life. The more we focus less on ourselves we allow a god of our understanding to enter our minds and work in our lives. When left unresolved, a https://ecosoberhouse.com/ will continue to lead to restlessness, irritability, and discontentment. It can also lead to other problems, such as alcohol abuse or other addictions.

  • Complicated and long-lasting grief goes much deeper than that – at its core, it’s to do with your Soul which is also known as your True Nature.
  • Perhaps you feel driven to roll around howling and clawing at the ground.
  • Intellectually, believing in something we cannot physically see or a scientifically proven exists is a hard pill to swallow, those intellectual individuals shut the idea out completely.

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spiritual malady

The solution to spiritual malady offered by Alcoholics Anonymous is to affect a spiritual awakening – in essence a psychic shift or attitude adjustment. In The Big Book of AA, the 12 steps outlined are a formalized approach to achieving this transformational change. The idea is to look for a spiritual solution to an addiction problem, as this type of issue affects more than someone physically. Alcoholics Anonymous bases the 12-step program on 12 affirmations, or what they call 12 traditions. These expressions that help people recovering from addiction regain a spiritual footing once again. Doing so will give you a better idea of how a spiritual malady affects an alcoholic.

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spiritual malady

Thankfully, the “spiritual malady” is no longer a “missing piece” of Step One for me. Many people are initially turned off to the idea of the program because they believe it preaches religion and God, and many addicts and alcoholics have no desire to pursue a religious answer. But the beauty of the 12-steps is that they are spiritually based as opposed to religious. What that means is that all that is required is the belief in a power greater than yourself. There is no church you must attend or strict practices you must adhere to in organized worship of said higher power, it is a completely individual and personal experience. Sustaining a conscious connection with a higher power through prayer and meditation is crucial for spiritual development and recovery.